
How do I know if my colored contact lenses are fitting properly?

Here are some tips to help you determine if your colored contact lenses are fitting properly:


The contact lens should feel comfortable and not cause any irritation, pain, or discomfort when wearing it.

If you experience any discomfort, it may be a sign that the lens is not fitting correctly.


The contact lens should be centered on your eye, covering the entire iris and pupil evenly.

If the lens is off-center or moving around excessively on your eye, it may not be the right fit.


A properly fitted colored contact lens should have some movement when you blink, but it shouldn't move excessively or feel like it's going to fall out.

Excessive movement or a lens that feels too loose can indicate an improper fit.

Edge Lift:

The edge of the contact lens should not be lifting up or folding over, colored non prescription contact lenses as this can cause discomfort and potentially damage the eye.

If you notice significant edge lift, the lens may be the wrong size or shape for your eye.

Lens Diameter:

The diameter of the colored contact lens should be appropriate for the size of your eye.

If the lens is too small, it may not cover the entire iris, and if it's too large, it can cause discomfort and fit issues.

Visual Clarity:

With a properly fitted colored contact lens, you should have clear, undistorted vision.

If you experience any blurriness or distortion, it may be a sign that the lens is not fitting correctly.

If you notice any of these issues, it's important to consult your eye care professional. They can evaluate the fit of your colored contact lenses and make any necessary adjustments or recommendations to ensure a comfortable and safe fit.

Regular check-ups with your eye doctor are also essential to ensure your colored contacts continue to fit properly over time.

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